Time for Art

My family and I took some time off to visit relatives during Easter. This included visiting my sister, Anna-Carin Mårtensson. Anna-Carin is a painter. She is about as obsessed with painting as I am with business strategy and organization. It is always fun to visit her and her family, but this time there was an extra treat:

During ten days, 2-11 April, 156 artists in southern Sweden exhibit their work. (Here is a map showing where all 156 artists are. Anna-Carin's exhibit is number 97 on the map.)

Anna-Carin had set up a large tent on the lawn of her house where she exhibited her paintings. She had also converted the living room in her house to an art gallery.

The exhibition has gone well so far. Anna-Carin's exhibition has had plenty of visitors.

Free is one of my favorites. I like the color composition. (Click the picture to see a larger version. Anna-Carin sometimes gets inspiration from her dreams. I haven't asked her if that is the case here.

This one makes me think of Arthur C. Clarke's Rendezvous With Rama. If you have read the book, I am sure you understand why.

Anna-Carin's taste runs to abstract painting. She is a bit of a "painter's painter". I have seen other painters jump up and down with excitement when they have studied her work. Sometimes though, she does something else entirely. This is a painting that I find very funny.

At the Foot of the Mountain is another favorite of mine. I like it as much as I like Free.

The visit was too short, but I'll go back soon. I can't draw at all, and I mostly write about business strategy and organization. And yet, when Anna-Carin paints, and I write, at some level we do it out of a similar need to explore possibilities and to express ourselves.

The exhibition lasts until the 11th of april, so there is still time to visit.


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