Callisto on creativity

Callisto Utriainen
I was at a very interesting talk last Thursday. Callisto Utriainen, a creativity coach, talked about creativity, how it works, and how to find creative solutions to irksome problems.

Callisto started off by talking about a great creativity killer: Too deeply rooted habits.

Habits are not bad per sé. Habits free brain capacity up to do new things, like finding creative solutions to problems, but there is a flip side. When we get too deeply entrenched in following the same patterns every day, we may lose the most important habit of all, the habit of thinking and doing new things.

When we get creative, we physically change the brain by creating new connections between neurons.
Callisto also talked about what habits look like from a neurological perspective: Pathways in the brain where synapses (junctions between neurons) have grown strong because they are used a lot.

She talked about how we can induce the brain to create new pathways by deliberately exposing ourselves to a state of confusion, like when someone tells us a joke. First, when you hear a joke, you get confused, then, when you get it, you laugh. Do a lot of this, and the brain will create new synapses, and you will actually get smarter and more creative. (Even if you don't, you'll have a happier and more interesting life.)

Solve problems by deliberately looking for bad solutions, then figure out the opposite.

It is a good thing to get the audience involved when you do a talk. Callisto took us through a problem solving exercise where we began by trying to find the worst possible solution to a problem. As I am sure you have noticed, finding solutions that suck is pretty easy. Usually it is the first solution that comes to mind...

What most people miss is the next step Callisto took us through, that of finding the opposites of the solutions we just came up with. That is where the good solutions are. There are several ways to do this.

The method Callisto showed us is very useful both when solving problems alone and in groups. Business design thinking company XPlane uses a similar exercise they call Anti-Problem to get people unstuck during creative dry spells. Similar techniques are used in other problem solving methods, like the Thinking Process that I work with.

I like the simplicity of the method Callisto used, so I'll include it in my own repertoire of problem solving techniques. If you follow this blog, you know that I work a lot with The Logical Thinking Process, which is rather left-brainish. It is very useful to mix that with more right-brain oriented techniques. Keeps my brain from getting too lopsided. (My brain may already be irrevocably "loopsided" due to my preoccupation with iterative processes.)

The talk was a success. It was also fairly short. Afterwards I heard people speaking about how they wished it had been a bit longer. From a speaker perspective, I think that is great: Leave the audience hungry for more, and they will turn up again.

I had the opportunity to talk a bit with Callisto before her presentation, and it was very interesting. She is a dancer and an avowed right-brainer. I am a management consultant with a strong left-brain bias in how I think. She is interested in creativity in individuals. I am interested in building creative and innovative organizations.

In other words, Callisto's approach is a bit different from mine, and that made her talk all the more interesting. It got both halves of my brain going. As Callisto pointed out, it is important to deliberately break habits and seek new perspectives.

The audience was quite small, about ten people. That did not matter to us who were there to listen, but it does mean a lot of people missed out on an interesting and thought-provoking evening.

The talk was arranged by a business relation network, Framgångsrika Relationer (Successful Relations), and held at First Hotel G in central Gothenburg.

As for me, I intend to spend the rest of the day doing something creative.

Be seeing you!


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