Dinosaur Thinking

The videocast embedded above is about how the current management paradigm, Scientific Management, makes it very difficult for companies to adapt to the world we live in today.

Originally, I intended this to be the kick-off episode for a new series, but then it developed into something a bit different. I hope you like it.


Rudiger Wolf said…
Brilliant! Can't wait for the next installment.

Rudi Wolf
mtnygard said…

This is a very good summary of modern thinking about management and how we got here. I'm looking forward to the new series.

The video presentation was quite creative without seeming too "cheesy" or "gimmicky". I shudder to think how much effort it required to create!

Well done.

-Michael Nygard
Kallokain said…

I am very glad you liked the video.

You are right. It took some effort. Part of the fun was learning to use matte and keying techniques.

I didn't realize quite how much fun there would be until I was half-way through. I blew my deadline so many times I finally quit setting deadlines. (A valuable lesson about estimating the level of effort of doing something new.)

I have a whole new appreciation for how much effort it takes to create a movie.

It will be interesting to see if the special effects will draw more viewers. I analyze the download count with process control charts, so if there is a difference, it will show up. (Yes, there will be a videocast about process control charts, eventually.)

Kind Regards,

TOCJonah said…

Incredible video!
Rafael Leite said…
Congratulations Henrik, very good content!

The effects are very interesting to keep the audience's attention and give a nice touch of humor to the video.

Look forward to the next one. Cheers,


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