On the Wrong End of the Camera
Oh, gosh, I thought, they've heard of me! Finally, someone with the power of TV has decided to talk to me about management, TOC, John Boyd, Strategic Navigation, Systems Thinking, and How To Improve Life For Everyone. What a chance!
On the other hand, I think they did get some nice footage of the book café, and of the very nice people who work here. If you live in Sweden, you can see it all (except me of course) on Carin 21:30 at 21:30 on September 17th.
I did take a couple of photos with my iPhone. It's true what they say. The iPhone isn't the best camera in the world. Most of the pictures turned out a bit shaky.
Speaking of being on the wrong end of the camera: I have promised to help film pair-programming tomorrow. Will tell you more about it in a couple of days.