More Favorite Books

I posted a list of books that have had a strong influence on me a couple of days ago. Here are links to some other articles by people who have done the same thing:

  • Daniel Bloom posted his favorites in the CriticalChain group at Yahoo
  • Tobias Fors posted a list at his blog.
  • Andres Taylor of Blueplane had already made up his list, but not yet published it when he read my article.
Making up lists like this and posting links to and fro serves a couple of purposes:
  • It is a way of getting to know other people. You can tell a lot about a person by looking in his/her book shelf. And reading the same books gives you something to discuss.
  • It is a neat way to get tips about what to read next.
  • It is a way of increasing the readership of all bloggers that participate.


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