Tempo! is available at Bokus, Bokon, and Adlibris
Click the picture to buy Tempo! from Bokus. Tempo! has finally got distribution in Sweden! The printed version of the book is now available on Bokus , and Adlibris . In addition, companies hiring me for consulting work, can buy Tempo! from a special web shop, at a considerably reduced price. When I wrote Tempo! my intent was to write a practically useful business strategy book in Swedish. I did not want to tell other people what to do with their businesses, that is for them to decide, but I wanted to help out with how to do whatever it is they want to achieve. I had seen too many companies where good, smart people just ran into a brick wall when they tried to make things better, not just for themselves, but for everyone in the organization, and for their customers. Tempo! is illustrated with more than 100 diagrams and photos Originally, I wanted to write a book about a practical method for developing strategy. I felt there was a lot of need, because I have...