
Showing posts from January, 2013

Reality Dysfunction preview at Scrumbeers

The audience was great - Knowledgeable, asked a lot of questions, and there was a very interesting discussion afterwards. I did a trial run for of Reality Dysfunction presentation at Scrumbeers yesterday. The presentation was very well received, though it was much too long. You can read the audience comments and reactions here . The Scrumbeers gatherings are always fun. This time, it was also very, very useful. The feedback I got will enable me to make the final presentation even more fun, and shorter. Lots shorter. My presentations tend to be about as long as a Hollywood movie. I need to cut this one down to 35 minutes or less before I present at the Lean Kanban Nordic conference on the 12th of Mars. I'd like to thank the audience not just for being very interested, kind, and fun to spend time with, but also for giving me lots of useful feedback. I am looking forward to the next Scrumbeer.

The Reality Dysfunction - Presentation at Stop Starting, Start Finishing

The nice people running the Stop Starting, Start Finishing conference in Stockholm the 12-13 of Mars 2013 asked me if I was interested in holding a presentation. Of course I am. I am hard at work on my presentation. Here is what I am going to talk about: Tempo!: The Reality Dysfunction Henrik Mårtensson Henrik Mårtensson How did we end up with so many dysfunctional companies? To fix the problems we face today, we must understand the causes.  Tempo!: The Reality Dysfunction is a romp through the wild side of management history: It starts with a bang, a train crash the 5th of October 1841, with consequences that cause companies to fail in 2013. You will meet the unbeatable fighter pilot, who also figured out how to build an unbeatable organization. You will see what managers must know to lead an Agile development team. You will see how most companies are applying fundamental principles of strategy, psychology, and physics backwards, and hurt and disable themselves ...

Logical Thinking Process course by Bill Dettmer in Finland

Bill Dettmer will hold a course in The Logical Thinking Process in Finland on the 3-5 of April, and the 8-10 of April. Here is a link . Bill is a well known management and leadership expert. He has written several very good books. I heartily recommend his book The Logical Thinking Process . Though I have never met Bill, we have corresponded via email. When I wrote my first book, Tempo!, Bill was very helpful and encouraging. In case you are wondering: The Logical Thinking Process is a method for solving problems. You can use it in business, or your private life. TLTP is great for facilitating communication and understanding. It beats long boring Word documents or bullet riddled Powerpoint presentations hands down. I often use it to visualize problems, to help my customers generate solutions, and to communicate and test solutions before implementing them. The tools are simple to use and very effective.