Tempo! presentation at Agical on Monday 31st of January!
I will hold my Tempo! presentation at Agical in Stockholm on Monday. The presentation begins at 18.00 hours (6.00 PM). The purpose of the presentation is to inspire people to think about the way we do knowledge work, and to provide a few laughs along the way. This is a very fun presentation to do. I get to talk about the wild side of management. Yes, there is a wild side, and it has been very influential in how we build organizations and organize work. I also use volunteers from the audience to illustrate different ways of working, and to show how the way we usually do things is not necessarily very effective. The story I tell involves train crashes, the world's best fighter pilot, a mad economist that became a brilliant psychologist, a record company owner that decided to build spaceships, and of course VISA. And a few other things. I always customize my presentations so that they fit my audience. This time most of the audience members will be involved with Agile sof...