Agile is a Great Answer to an Important Question Never Asked
Sometimes I think agile software development is a really good answer to a question that has never been asked. There are plenty of good reasons for bottom-up agile initiatives in companies. If implemented correctly, agile is great for software developers. If software development is a company bottleneck, a bottom up agile initiative can be great for the company too. You may feel there is a "but" coming, and there is: But in the long run, agile initiatives are unlikely to succeed unless managers at all levels buy into it. That is unlikely to happen with a bottom-up initiative, because agile methods are practical implementations of a management paradigm that is very different from what most companies have. Bottom up agile initiatives have to fight the system. In most cases the system will win. Agile has a much better chance of succeeding when going agile is the response to a management initiative. Top-down initiatives make agile a natural part of a new system. It is still...