Business Cards
I try to apply the principles I advocate not only in large things, but also in small. My business cards are a good example. When we design something, we need to consider the purpose of the thing we design. The purpose of my business card is to: • make it easy to contact me • make me memorable • make the card holder want to contact me The first item is easy. The contact information on my business card is no different from that of any other business card: Name, occupation, and contact info. I have stacks of business cards I've got from people I've met, whose faces I don't remember. I often take a snapshot with a camera when I meet someone for the first time, and add the picture to the address book in my computer. This is a bit of a hassle, so it was a pretty obvious idea to add a picture of myself to the card. I chose a picture of me when I am working. The idea is to show that I do work if you hire me. (The picture also shows that I drink tea while working, but I hope that do...